DGE e-learning academy

Develop your digital, green, and entrepreneurship skills.

Greenpreneur Startup program

Let's develop green innovation together.

Developing Digital, Green and Entrepreneurship skills:

University Green Digital HUB

University Green Digital HUB aims to strengthen the digital, green and entrepreneurial skills of university students, startups and staff while contributing to Europe's goal of the digital and green transition.

It focuses on the development of a new university DGE support model that combines tailored eLearning, cross-sector and multicultural collaboration in learn by doing activities, peer knowledge transfer that will result in a more efficient way of gaining the required skills, and combined key competencies for the green digital transition.

Mapping of the DGE skills

Analysis of DGE skills level of target groups (students, staff and university startups).

Train the Trainer

Improving the capacity of HEI in the field of teaching for the digital and green transition.

DGE Pilot programs in partner Universities

Improving the capacity of HEI in the field of teaching for the digital and green transition.

Impact methodology

Developing methods to measure the impact level of planned DGE programs.

News & Events

Keep up with the latest news and events at the University Green Digital HUB
March 12, 2024

Partners meeting in Amsterdam

The University Green Digital HUB (UGDH) partners meeting was held on March 7th and 8th in Amsterdam, hosted by Preneurz.Amsterdam.
September 15, 2023

Launch of the e-Learning UGD Hub Platform

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new e-Learning UGD Hub platform, a key tool for advancing education within the framework of the “University […]
September 14, 2023

Measuring the impact of startup programs

A module designed for both teaching and non-teaching faculty on the topic of measuring the impact of startup programs.


University Green Digital HUB is founded by: University of Split (Croatia), University of Malaga (Spain), Stuttgart Media University (Germany), Impact HUB Stuttgart (Germany), Split Entrepreneurship Centre (Croatia) and Preneurz.Amsterdam (Netherlands).

The future will either be green or not at all.

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